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Musculoskeletal pain is the result of tension building up to the point where certain movements or a relaxed state cannot be achieved. The root cause of pain is derived physically, emotionally or chemically. There can also be a combination of these root causes occurring simultaneously.













Without relief, the cycle repeats itself. This is the pain-spasm-pain cycle. As unreleased tension increases, a person will experience chronic pain and eventually injury. 


The felt pain or stress may happen suddenly with one swift movement/event or, it may be the result of a gradual buildup over time. 


Most felt pain in the body refers from another area. The original imbalance causes the muscles to load up unevenly, some working harder than they should and some working less. Therefore, a person experiencing chronic pain must do more than just treat the symptom area and felt pain. To heal the body and relieve the pain permanently, the original cause of imbalance, physical, emotional and/or chemical, along with the muscular compensation created elsewhere in the body must be identified and dealt with. 


What you eat matters when it comes to managing musculoskeletal pain.  A poor diet that upsets the chemical balance has the potential to cause or heighten a person’s pain. 


A balanced, supplemented diet will help release stress because it provides all the necessary ingredients for a body to recover and regenerate. You will feel relaxed and calm, with very little aggression, anxiety, or pain.

Water is important as well.  Generally, consuming around half of your body weight in ounces of water daily will keep your skin, muscles, and vital organs sufficiently hydrated. For the average male, that is a few ounces over a gallon of water per day.  For the average female, it means getting in a few ounces over a half gallon. Now, for many....that's A LOT OF WATER! The good thing is that you don't have to drink it all at once. 


The human body can only absorb about 8 oz of fluid in a 15-minute time span. Any amount over that just passes through. So to get those liters in, drink water in smaller quantities (3 - 4 oz) at a time over the course of your day, before and in between meals, this way your body is getting the full benefit; hydrating and removing toxins/waste.


Be balanced …  be well.

Physical injury or tension from repetitive motions of work sports/exercise, or sitting too long is often a primary association to muscular/joint pain. However, other physicality such as poor posture or sleeping in an awkward position, emotional stress from relationships or traumatic events, and chemical disruption in our bodies from an allergenic or nutrient-poor sugar-filled diet can also cause tension.  


This tension creates a restriction and decrease in circulation that causes pain, inflammation, and imbalance in the mechanics of the body.


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